Zytovit DHA Drop

Zytovit DHA Drop

Zytovit DHA drop is a brain and health product for Kids this is a wise choice for Brain and Health Development it gives Vitamins, Minerals, Antioxidant,Amino Acids, Zinc and DHA( DOCOSA HEXAENOIC ACID ) advantage. Zytovit DHA build better brain, improve vision, build imunity which fight infection, improve learning capability and improve antioxidant defenses  It is trademark conformed product of Bio Organics Pvt. Ltd.Zytovit DHA improves

Infants brain grows : 1% per day up to 3 month of age, 70% of adult brain size is achieved by 1 year, 80%of age adult brain size is achieved by 2 yrs.


Composition –
Zytovit DHA :- Having DHA, Amino Acids, Zinc, Vitamins, Minerals and antioxidanr.
Zytovit DHA :- 0 to 24  month 10 to 40mg per day or 10 to 20 drops per day.


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